Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happiness. Lately. (vol 4)

Happiness.  Lately.  September.  My monthly collection of "Happiness" - appreciating God's goodness in the little things and seeing his grandeur in the simplicity of my life and "Lately" - what I've been into and up to.

Happiness is...

the backyard mouse house Papa and Grandma gifted us...

remembering that if they're dirty, it means they must be having fun (I learned this from my mom!)...

the tiny tomatoes we're still getting on our one plant - just enough for a few in my salad each day...

some of the pretty carrots we harvested...

celebrating the first day of fall... with homemade pumpkin bread for breakfast and not-so-homemade boxed pumpkin dessert for after dinner (and reading some of our favorite fall-themed books, of course!)

the first of the lovely leaves...

and some of my favorite guys on an evening walk...

our first pot of chili this season...

a gloriously, warm hot fall day at the creek with friends...

music time with Papa...


I raced through Masterpiece Mystery: Endeavour Season 2 from the library.  And then Russ was out of town for four days and I watched a lot of Foyle's War, which he is not sad to miss ;)  I may have mentioned once or twice how much I enjoy British television...  just once or twice :)

We've been enjoying and singing the ridiculous lyrics of Beethoven's Wig: Sing Along Symphonies:  A friend recommended this cd to me a while ago, but we've just gotten around to listening to it in the last few weeks.  It's funny for kids and adults alike :)   (I even just requested the second the third volumes from the library!)

I've been not reading... who has time for that?

I got to take the kids to a homeschool-ers only morning at a Sky Zone.  It was our first time there.  Wow!  I didn't get any really good pictures conveying how awesome it was.  Just this...

I've been back to crocheting... a little bit.  Hats, mostly.  Sometimes they fit and sometimes they don't...

I've also done some more peg dolls painting!  I had tried my hand at it for the first time at Christmas and made a Nativity set and some saint dolls.  I had meant to make two additional saints for my boys, but never finished them.  I finished them this month in time for the corresponding feast days:  St. Vincent de Paul (Sept 27) for my Aaron Vincent, and St. Jerome (Sept 30) for my Dominic Jerome.

a little frustrated about the hairs from the paint brush came off onto the doll when I was varnishing it...  have. to. let. it. go.
I tried to involve all the kids in making special cookies for Russ one day, but this is what happens when you try to bake in a kitchen with a lot of kids and no table: Chocolate Chip made-on-the-floor Cookies... 

And that's about it.  It's been a busy and lovely month, and I can hardly believe it's over.  I sort of feel like it's still August......

**  Feel like joining me in reflecting on the past month and sharing some of the moments that made you happy and the things you've been up to?  Link up your August list of Happiness. Lately.  I'd love to have you join me! **  Don't have a blog?  Let's chat in the comments!

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  1. Oooh, your saint dolls turned out super! It's making me want to try some!! Not that I've been given any artistic talents.. So maybe not ;]

    1. Thank, Mari! I encourage you to try it! It's very therapeutic :)

  2. You sure had a busy month...Elaine told us about Sky Zone...I bet the kiddos loved it!!! Enjoy your posts and the others you turn everyone on to!!!

  3. Theresa, your photography here is just lovely. You're inspiring me to take more time with mine. I've been neglecting my camera in favor of the ease of the smart phone. But they just don't compare.

    1. Wow! Thanks, Micaela! Half of these actually ARE from my old phone and to me they're so grainy :( Your comment really made me chuckle, because I actually want to get a better camera phone and reply on that for my blog and stop trying to pretend I know anything about photography :) I recently got a "new" used camera, but can't get photos that I'm happy with out of it, even though I know it's a good camera. I'm just using it wrong and don't really have the time to learn and experiment. Ah well...
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I love that hat picture! And your peg dolls are AWESOME. So. Much. Detail. I should look. Into the jumping place by me and see if they have any homeschooling events; great idea.

    1. Thanks Ann-Marie!
      I think the SZ event was through a local homeschool field-trip group that organized it. There was a flat rate for a whole family to attend, otherwise it's a pretty pricey venue. But we all had a ton of fun!

  5. Busy, busy happenings! Skyzonel ooks awesome:) and the lad on the right is not having enough fun!;)

  6. I L.O.V.E. your saint dolls! I want to make some for the boys as their Christmas gifts! Need. To. Get. Started! So fun!

    1. Thank you! It really is so fun! I hope you get to try it. Once I started and was able to get them to look like how I wanted, I was hooked :) (I think they're the perfect stocking stuffers!)


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!

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