
The Soup Savvy Page

Welcome to my new page dedicated entirely to the gift of spreading joy and 
coziness to your loved ones by serving soup!

It is the place on the blog to corral soup recipes and soup party ideas and how-to's!


As always, the recipes I share with you are only the ones that my kids love.  So you can be assured that the recipes you'll find here are family friendly.


  1. Oh my goodness, how have I not come to live inside your blog before now?! I've read several of your posts via FB in the past, but what giddiness I am experiencing by exploring your blog! I could eat soup for every meal, so umm, love this page! But of course you already had me at your colored pencils post! Also feeling rather inspired by your homeschooling stuff and book lists! So many wonderful book lists. I. die.

    1. Hi Theresa! Thanks for the your enthusiasm and encouragement! I love meeting fellow soup lovers - I'm definitely starting to get excited for the cool weather!! Thanks for hanging out here!


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!