
About Me


  1. You write almost as good as your Mother for the ALLUNY paper...I can't wait for more...

  2. So Mary made me come. And I'm so glad she did! Kindly slap one of those GFC widgets in your sidebar so I can followfollowfollowfollow yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

    (I swear I'm not drunk)

    1. Yeah! Welcome Dwija! (Thanks Mary! You are my how-to-start-a-blog consultant, and now my advertiser too!)
      Dwija, I've been reading your blog for a while now and love it! I'm still getting started and don't even have a handle on what "following" is yet - but it sounds like it could git me s'more readers! I think I may have an easier time reading the blogs I like if I started "following" them. (You'll be among my first, of course.) I'll work on it this weekend.
      Happy Thanksgiving!

    2. figured out the "follow" stuff. Thanks for the motivation! I'm now ready to start amassing a following. (It sounds like part of a plot to lure unsuspecting readers to my top secret bunker... I shall be their leader and they shall be my followers.) Not drunk ;)

  3. Hello Theresa, I clicked over here from a comment you left on Mary's blog too. I really liked your series on Type 1 diabetes, I have a high school classmate that was diagnosed as an adult with Type 1. He is also a super athlete who does marathons and iron mans, so he has learned how to do those activities while managing his Type 1 too. I also have a sister who had a severe case of gestational diabetes and now has to manage her Type 2. I like how you described the differences between the two, and I didn't realize Type 1 was an autoimmune issue. Your son's videos are great, he is such an inspiration and has a great attitude and outlook. I also have 5 kids and homeschool so I'll have to check out some of your other posts. Thanks for all the info, I'll add you to my bloglovin roll.

  4. Hi Theresa,

    I love the idea of "Ordinary Lovely." I too live a very ordinary life but think there is a lot of extraordinary in the ordinary. Your freezer meal recipes look delicious. I'm a big fan of cooking once and eating twice. Freezer meals are perfect for that!

    Mrs. C.

  5. Hi!

    My husband has type 1 diabetes. It's definitely a big part of our life, even if we wish it weren't. :)


    1. Hi Emily! We can share the bond of knowing what it's like to live with t1d loved ones! It's not easy on them, and it's not easy on the family. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself!

  6. Hello from the past! We went to high school together! I'm Sarah (nee) Hoffman. It's a pleasure to bump into on the interwebs! I think you were a year ahead of me, but I took French too (and then majored in it in college as well! Et je n'en fais rien.) I think we were in NHS together? did you do Chamber Singers? (I did sound.) Anyhoo, I am also living the Catholic wife-mom-homeschooling-schooling life. (And I ALSO have five kids!) I live in Charlotte, NC now. Are you still in WNY? I am about to embark upon my first saint peg doll exchange and I came across your blog which has some wonderful practical tips. Your peg dolls are so lovely! Nice to "see" you again!

    1. Oh goodness, Sarah!! So nice to see you pop up here! I'm glad I checked my comments on a whim; it's rare that I do since I hardly ever write here anymore :( Well it sounds like we're living parallel lives North and South! It's always a treat to hear about other homeschooling moms, especially that I've known or know! I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriages, but what a consolation to have two saints in Heaven interceding for your family <3 Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! I hope the doll exchange goes well. If you're on Instagram, I hope we can connect there. (@ordinarylovely) I'm much better about popping in there in between the busyness of everyday life. I can hardly imagine that things will ever slow down enough again for me to get back to writing here :( Nice to hear from you, Sarah! God bless you and your family!

    2. Also, having your comment on this page made me realize how woefully out of date this all is! My youngest is almost 4 for goodness sake, and we're expecting our next this winter ;)


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!