
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Easy Egg Bake -or- Busy Ladies, Get Your Morning Protein. Every Day!!

This post was written in response to, and in honor of, 69 cent/dozen egg week at Aldi.  Seriously, if you're not one of those people who has backyard chickens that deposit fresh eggs onto your plate every morning, rush to Aldi.  Rush.  But remember, limit four per person.  (so I'll be going back a few more times this week ;) ) 

I love to start my day with a pretty big breakfast.  I once read an article that said people that eat the majority of their daily calories at breakfast are healthier that those who save their calorie-packing for later in the day, so I feel justified.  I also try to get a hearty dose of protein in the morning.  My ideal breakfast is... only available at all you can eat Sunday brunches at swanky restaurants.  It involves fluffy omelettes, bacon, breakfast potatoes, fruit, waffles, whipped cream, and coffee.  And mimosas.  

Such as it is, I have to make due with breakfast at home most days.  Actually, all days.  And since all days are busy days, I don't usually have the time for making giant, fluffy , swanky restaurant omelettes.  

So I get my morning protein the busy mom way - I make a big egg bake on Monday and eat it all week long.  It works.  It's easy.  And I get my big breakfast.  And protein.  

I highly recommend this method if you're committed to starting your day with protein and veggies but don't have time for omelettes.  

Your egg bake can have any combination of veggies, seasonings, or cheese.   But here's what I recommend (complete with very helpful pictures to guide you through the most difficult of steps ;) ) 

Saute mushrooms and onions in butter until they're tender.  

Add a hefty helping of spinach.  I usually add two cups or more because it cooks down so much.  

Continue to cook until spinach is wilted.

In a separate bowl, whisk together 10 - 12 large eggs, a dash of heavy cream, salt, and pepper.  If I don't have any onions to add to the veggies, I'll throw some onion powder in the mix as well.

Add veggie mixture and cheese of your choice.  I typically use feta, but will happily use cheddar if we happen to be out of the good stuff ;) 

Pour into a greased 2 quart baking dish.  

Bake at 35o degrees for about 30 minutes, or until cooked through.  Allow to cool before refrigerating.   Enjoy large slices throughout the rest of the week.  Or share it with your family; my kids love stealing mine!  

Enjoy!  And maybe I'll bump into at the egg cooler at Aldi.  I'll even share with you if there are only four dozen eggs left ;) 

If you're eating according to the Trim Healthy Mama plan, this is a fabulous S breakfast.  I love to have it with couple pieces of bacon and a small handful of berries on the side. 


  1. This looks so good! I love the idea. And yes, in this month's Reader's Digest there is an entire article about how we need to eat more earlier in the day, and that helps to shed and keep weight off.

    1. I made it this morning and it was really good! I didn't have any cream, but it was still really tasty. Thanks for sharing and encouraging me in this THM journey!

  2. Looks delicious. I recently cut out all cereal and most mornings am having eggs in various ways, have so much more energy. Will give this a go :-)

    Well if they are only letting you take 4 a person, I'd be sending your boys in separately, either skulk through separate checkouts or all sneak in one by one and meet outside away from the door ;-)

  3. We do something similar, but bake in muffin tins to have individual serving sizes. We add turkey sausage too, yum!

  4. Thanks - I *really* need to start eating more protein/veggie-heavy meals. We resort to cereal most mornings because it's what I know. I just don't have a good repertoire of breakfast recipes and ideas at all.

  5. I am just starting on THM and this is so smart! I've been trying to make eggs each am...and with all the little people needing all the thing it just ain't happening!! Thanks for this great idea!

  6. This is very, very similar to something I make, except I call it a fritatta- is it a true fritatta? I have no idea. :) Except I eat mine at dinner! I never feel like cooking in the mornings, and since I also do THM, I usually eat my E meal for the day for breakfast. I will have to try this in the mornings, though. I've never thought about pre-cooking an egg dish for myself to have for breakfast, though I used to pre-make breakfast burritos for my husband often in our pre-carb conscious days.


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