
Thursday, August 20, 2015

All the Homeschool Extras That I Love (it's a link-up!!)

Quick note: I tend to publish a lot of "lists of stuff I love" posts.  I actually love writing these!!  One of the reasons I do this is because I can't stomach the thought of writing posts about what YOU should do (like "10 Homeschool Extras You Can't Live Without."  Those kinds of titles usually turn me off.  Way off.  But.... I've always loved reading posts like "What Works for Me" and "My Favorite Such-and-Such" because I'm getting the writer's review and personal experience without being told that I have to do the same.  Get the difference?  I have benefited SO very much from veteran homeschool moms sharing their tips and tricks, opinions and reviews, that I'm happy to do the same for other newbie (or just curious) moms (but I'm not quite veteran yet, so take my recommendations with a grain of salt.) If you're just not into lists of books or school supplies or art supplies, no hard feelings!  (Though I admit I don't understand how a person could not love lists of awesome stuff...) Lists happen to be one of my favorite things.  Ever.  :)  And so I may have a few more posts like this coming up!  Yay!  or  Sorry!  (you get to pick!) 

We're celebrating around here!  It's back-to-school time!  We're actually year-round homeschoolers, but my older kids do start back up at their twice-a-week study center in the fall, so we get to experience a little of the back-to-school excitement!  I thought I'd host a little party!!  A link-up party!!  (whoop!  whoop!) (um... it's only a party if you join in, so link up or hit us with your favorites in the combox!  Details below.)

A few days ago I wrote about the curriculum programs that we use and like enough to stick with (I love reading and writing about that kind of stuff, but some people's reaction may be more along the lines of blah, blah, blah...)  But today, things get a little less nerdy and little more fun!  Let's share about all the little extra things that make homeschooling easier, better, more fun, less stressful!  

I invite you to join in!  If you homeschool and blog, write your own post about the "extras" you love and link it up!  Don't blog?  Not a problem!  There's lots of comment space here to list all the favorites you want!  I can't wait to read them!  

All the Little Extras that I Love to Love...

Edupress Math In A Flash Flash Cards.   Why are these flash cards so much better than other flash cards?  Because they're color coded.  If the baby tosses them all over the floor, it still sort of stinks, but at least they're easy to sort and get back in order.  The colored borders also make it easier to find what you're looking for and to choose only the facts you want to add to the rings for your child to review.  Love these cards.

they obviously have subtraction, multiplication, and division too ;)

My Laminator  and binder rings.   I sometimes joke that laminating things and putting them on binder rings is my second religion.  But some may argue, probably rightly so, that that's not a very appropriate joke.  So let's just say that if you have a laminator and binder rings, you possess the power to turn anything into a flashcard.  This is basically a super power that guarantees the success of your academic year ;) 

Quotable Saints, by Rhonda Chervin.  This book is perfect for copy work (of both the academic and disciplinary varieties.)  

My Designated Library Bag.  I had no idea how much I needed this until a dear friend gifted me with one for my birthday a few years ago,.  It's so handy!!  Obviously I use it for transporting our book hauls to and from the library, but it's also perfect for storing the books in our living room - library books have a specific place to always go and they rarely get lost under the couch or mixed in to our bookshelves anymore.  I LOVE my library bag!

Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas.  Somehow, I think that the regular use of this book has something to do with our love of Wild Kratts...

Noise Reducing Earmuffs. We only just got these in May, but they've been very useful. With multiple kids working at one table, I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner...



The Children's Bible (Golden Press)

DK Encyclopedia of Animals.  We bought this book to use with the Elemental Science curriculum (wrote about that here) but it turned out to be one of those books that everyone loves and the kids end up pulling it off the shelf frequently.  The photographs, for one, are fabulous!

Little Plastic World Landmarks.  I got this wonderful idea from a friend who uses these little landmarks with her granddaughters.  When I saw them, I couldn't wait to show them to my kiddos.  They love when we do map activities with these.  We'll pull out our USA and World map placemats and have contests to see who can place the most landmarks in the proper spots.  As we progress through our history lessons, they're starting to recognize the significance of many of the landmarks too :)  Learning with toys is a big YES for me! (I'm guessing we may be adding to our Safari TOOB collection this year when the boys start studying the American Revolutionary War!)    

Dover Coloring Books.  Obviously.

The Original Schoolhouse Rock.  I never watched this until my mom bought it for us a few years ago.  We all like it so much... I should start playing it more often :) (I even referenced a song during a writing and grammar lesson the other day, so, thanks, Mom!)

Liberty's Kids (it was a summertime goal to finish this, but we're still not quite there yet.)

Woah.  That list sort of exploded from my original five ideas.  Well, now you know there is no limit to what you can share!  So start taking stock of all the little extras you love to use in your homeschool and link up your posts here (and spread the word to our fellow homeschooling bloggers.)  Can't wait to read all your ideas!  

The link-up party lasts until September 22.


  1. I'll try to put together a post to link up soon, but DARN you, Theresa! My AMAZON wish list grows every time you do a post like this! (Keep it up, please!)

    1. I love your lists Theresa!!!! And my Amazon list keeps growing too ;-)

  2. I think I just order almost every book you suggested! We needed some new "animal" books around here!

  3. Oh I thought the earmuffs were for you, thinking what a brilliant idea!! Still think you need a set, I just turn off my hearing aids;)
    Love to know more about the use of flash cards in your home, actually haven't done that much but always open to new ideas.
    My fav Bible too and I've looked at several.

    Mmm a list, what to put on my list, will give it thought, be back

    1. Hm, not sure what I could tell you about flash cards. Usually I keep them on a ring, but sometimes we'll hang them up in the dining room so that they're highly visible all the time (right now I have up the sight words my Dominic is still struggling with) As the kids get older, flash cards are nice because they can use them to quiz each other or to self quiz and check the answers on back (math facts, Latin vocab, etc...) I think I just really like them b/c it's a convenient way to keep a lot of related info together in one place :)

  4. I LOVE the library bag idea!! I use a tote or totes to transport the books but storage gets tricky after that. This is so cute! <3

  5. My kids (not homeschooled, just kind of free range feral + public preschool) have that Nat Geo book and love it. Those little world landmarks are adorable!

  6. Holy Moly EARMUFFS ARE GENIUS. You just revolutionized my life. REH-VO-LOOOOOO-SHUN-IIIZZZZZED!!!!!!!!!

    1. I'm wow'ed to have made such an impact!! I got the idea from the occupational therapist, but seriously wonder why I never thought of it myself.

  7. Just ordered the Quotable Saints - and the EARMUFFS!! I am totally going to be wearing those every day while making dinner...

    1. haha! Yes I would benefit from a pair of these from about 3 - 5 each day as well!

  8. Your library book bag is a great idea! We already have designated library bags and a basket at home, but the bags we use aren't very sturdy and I'm thinking that a tote might be a good replacement. It will also simplify the whole process since we can just store the books at home in the same bag - very smart! I can't really tell from the photo, does your bag have the standard handles or the long handles?

    The rest of your list is fabulous as well. We have a lot of the same favorites. =)

    1. Hi Donna! My library bag was a gift, so I'm not sure if the handles were anything special to the order. The measure about 22 inches long from where they are sewn onto the bag, and the "drop" is about 8 inches. Hope that helps!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    2. Theresa, thank you for your reply, that helps! Those are the standard handles for the Land's End tote bags in case anyone has the same question I did. =)

    3. Great to know, Donna! Thanks :)


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!