
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ten Things of Thankful (my first one, but it's the 100th week!)

I've been reading Christine's blog, A Fly on Our Chicken Coop Wall (doesn't that name just make you want to go see what it's all about?!), for the past few months now and have come to look forward to her Ten Things of Thankful each week.  It's an opportunity to intentionally seek out the good and to be grateful for the blessings that might be otherwise overlooked.  

I'm so happy to join in this week, and even though it's my first time linking up, it's Christine's 100th week of hosting!  So head on over and check out all that she and many other lovely bloggers have to be thankful for!  

[one] I'm so in love with the way spring just explodes so gloriously each year!  And we haven't even had that much rain and mud this year!! -- knock on wood... or laptop... or whatever.)  

[two] I already wrote about this but it's worth mentioning again... I'm so grateful for the joy and privilege of celebrating my oldest son's First Holy Communion last month.  It was a wonderful experience!

[three] I get to go to a blogger's conference next weekend!  It's a tiny, mostly informal affair, but I get to go and meet friends I've only known on-line so far.  Despite my hermit-like introverted tendencies, I'm actually looking forward to it!

[four] It's sort of hard to believe it, but I've been on the Trim Healthy Mama journey for two months now!  I'm so incredibly thankful for my husband who has been so supportive.  He's also been quite the sport when it comes to searching for heretofore unfamiliar food items in the grocery store - like liquid aminos, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil.  Thanks for being awesome, Babe!  

[five] for warm weather and kids being kids outside...

ummm... not sure why this photo looks like this instead of portrait-style and regular proportions...
but you get the idea :)
[six] for friends who, on the not so warm days, have opened the gym at their church for  our kids to run around, be with friends, and expend energy.  Such. a. blessing.

[seven]  for time spent with good friends on a hike, and finding a spot to swing on vines... because vines were meant to be swung on :)  

[eight] for the wonderful employee at JoAnn's who didn't blow off my inquisitive children when they asked about the embroidery machine, and who spent lots of time letting us watch and teaching us how it worked... 

[nine] for my sister who works hard at healing me of the "takes self too seriously" syndrome.

sister.  me.
[ten] for reminders all around that God is good, life is blessed, and it's worth taking the time to really consider the bounty we have been give. 

Ten Things of Thankful


  1. I love these, Theresa! Will check out her link-up and blog :) Thank you for sharing! And I still need to read about your son's first communion!!

    1. Oh and so exciting about the blogging conference!!! Praying I get to go to one, but we shall see!

    2. You'll like Christine's blog! And there are many other great bloggers I've been introduced to through the Ten Things of Thankful posts - it's a great rabbit hole to travel down :)

  2. I'm so glad you joined in!!! Welcome to the TToT!
    The weather here has been downright marvelous. It's been such a treat.
    I can't wait for next weekend. Things keep popping up, trying to derail my plans for the conference, but We're standing strong. :)
    That was so nice of the JoAnn fabrics lady. Good people really are everywhere.

    1. "Good people really are everywhere." I'm pretty sure I want to hang that up in my house somewhere and make sure that my kids know it! Thank you for the reminder!
      See you soon :)

  3. Welcome! How exciting that you get to go to the blogging conference!

  4. WELCOME! So glad you linked up! I love the photos... especially the last one on your header... precious is not a word I use much but really? .... so sweet.Very cool re conference and congrats on first Holy Communion... at 52 I still remember that day.

    1. Oh, Ivy, thank you!! That picture holds a really special place in my heart and makes me feel the warm fuzzies all over again from the peaceful days I spent crocheting with my newborn on my chest <3
      Thanks for much for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Welcome to the TToT! You couldn't have been routed here by a better person than Christine! I hope she prepared you for the comments you might receive, including ones where entire conversations take place between a couple of commenters. Have fun at the blogging conference. I've never been to one, tiny or otherwise.
    p.s. You look darling in that hat!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Dyanne! I have already witnessed firsthand what a fun and friendly (and out going!) community the TToT bloggers are!! I'm looking forward to working my way through all the other posts!

    2. Well GOODY, cos Dyanne's absolutely right but what she didn't mention is that for those of us who are chronically late, it can happen even after the hop has all but finished!

  6. Welcome to the TToT - you have a fine debut post here! First Holy Communion - such a big day! My Daughter will have hers next year. I can't believe how fast that time went!
    Christine's blog - and Christine for that matter - are positively wonderful. The blogging conference sounds wonderful. I have not done any - usually too far, too pricey, too not at home for my taste! But it would definitely be exciting to meet people in person!

    1. Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for the friendly welcome :)

  7. I'm sure nobody would ever think you two are sisters! You look so much like each other. I'm a little envious that your little ones got to see an embroidery machine in action - they are pretty cool and one of those things I used to want when I had more time for sewing.

    1. Some of those machines are crazy, right?? My kids laughed out loud when they saw the sale price was near $10,000 :) I told them I had to wait till they moved out and started paying for their own food so that I'd have the time and money for those kinds of hobbies!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Vanessa :)

  8. Welcome to the best blog hop! I just love Christine's blog, too. Your debut list is pretty impressive! I hope the coming week is full of thankfuls!

  9. I love this idea, Theresa. I feel like you are really good about being thankful, but I don't think there's a danger of being too much so!

    You will love your conference! Can't wait to read about it!

    1. Thanks, Micaela! That's kind to say!
      Check out Christine's blog if you haven't visited her already. I didn't get to "know" her until the names started coming through for the Ohio conference. She's a lot of fun!

  10. This is only my second week . . . I think we've found a good one, don't you? Congratulations on the First Communion. I love First Communion Sunday even when I don't have a kid involved. I cry every time. :-) I so agree with your thoughts on Spring . . . it's a yearly miracle.

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. Hey, hello and welcome to the TToT - as I said, the other thing you'll find is that these posts continue to live a bit later in the week as people manage to get round to them in amongst the everything else of life.

    I'm so glad that you joined us for our 100th, and I especially like the pics of you and your sister with the awesome hat (and that she helps to cure you of taking life too seriously - she sounds like a wonderful person).

    Hope the first communion goes well - that's a big step, isn't it? :)


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!