
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Autumn Party Place Cards (a craftiness show and tell)

In addition to making soup, I worked on another special little project to dress up the table at this year's soup party.  The kids and I combined forces to make these cute pumpkin place cards.  

what a happy little row!

by the end of the evening most of the name tags were off and the pumpkins had been converted by the boys into projectiles :)
(they ARE soft and squishy, and sort of beg to be tossed around!)

The pumpkins were made using this pattern from Planet June.  


  1. Gosh such a beautiful table dressing! You make me want to go buy a laminate machine and to learn to crochet or knit or whatever it is that made that insanely adorable pumpkin!! Such a great job!

    1. Thanks, Amanda!
      I never thought I'd use my laminator as much as do. It was a good investment :)
      (and I vote, YES, you should learn to crochet!)

  2. i loooooooove those little pumpkins! if you sold them i would totally buy them, haha!

  3. These are adorable. I love the multi-purpose pumpkins! And I really wish I knew how to crochet!

    1. Thanks, Melody! Yes, they're definitely mulit-purpose! (this afternoon the kids played pumpkin farm - about half and hour's worth of delightful, cooperative play time! Yay!)
      And of course, I'm always in favor of friends learning how to crochet :) More to gab about!

  4. Those pumpkins are so CUTE! I may have to go find some fall colored yarn and make some for my littlest cousins for Thanksgiving. And the idea of using the laminating machine and leaves to make them into place settings is so clever. I do have a question though: did you fill the pumpkins with stuffing or are they hollow? Definitely bookmarking the pattern for future reference.

    1. Thanks! I did stuff the pumpkins with basic poly-fil toy stuffing. You can really pack a lot in there if you want them firmer, or leave them nice and squishy :)
      I just started using the laminator for more "craft-like" stuff this year. I was surprised how well the leaves turned out. They've kept their color for three weeks now, so I'm wondering if they'll stay that way (??)

    2. I imagine they keep their shape a bit better with the stuffing, too. Thanks :) My mom still has things that she laminated (machine loooong gone) over 10 years ago that are still in nice condition. I don't know about leaves, though... Hopefully they'll last!

  5. I absolutely love those pumpkins! I also love this tradition and hope I can join you one of these years (if I can be so bold to invite myself over, haha). See you soon!

  6. Those are so great! So great, in fact, they almost make me want to take up some needles and yarn (which I have sworn off forever). ;)

    1. oooh!! I'm a little giddy that you might take back up yarn and needle arts because of me!! But why why were they sworn off in the first place?? Forever is a strong word... ;)


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