
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happiness. Lately. (vol. 3)

Happiness.  Lately.  August.  My monthly collection of "Happiness" - appreciating God's goodness in the little things and seeing his grandeur in the simplicity of my life and "Lately" - what I've been into and up to.

Happiness is...

the Chardonnay and Cracker Jacks I'm enjoying while writing this.  I'm serious!  See...

"Do they still really have prizes in Cracker Jack boxes?
...That's nice to know... It gives one a feeling of solidarity, almost of continuity with the past, that sort of thing."

** Seventeen gold stars to you if you can name that movie **
(one of my favorites!)
Actually, if you know it don't name it... just leave your favorite quote in the comments to play along :)

mini crochet bunting in my kitchen...

fresh summer fruit on ice cream...

fresh summer fruit for freezer jam...

plastic roller skates...

brothers enjoying their new basketball hoop from Dad...

Little Miss Action Shot...

kids' morning snack on a day when was feeling particularly generous and sweet-toothy (I don't even like bananas, but that didn't stop me from having some peanut butter and chocolate chips :) )...


We've been blueberry picking and blueberry baking...

We enjoyed our family tradition of going to the Erie County Fair on opening day... We do the fair on a budget - opening day is $2 parking, free admission with a canned good, kids are free, we are that family that brings a packed dinner comprised of healthy foods like vegetables, everyone gets to go on one ride, and we buy a snack (or two!) to share - pretty much always cotton candy and kettle corn:)

I've been making up some cotton dish cloths...

a gift set of three dish cloths and a hot pad :)

The boys spent a week building an awesome gift for their grandma's Birthday (my parents were married in Paris, so those crazy international love birds appreciate this sort of thing!)  (the guys used this non-Lego set)

We've spent a couple mornings at the creek - one of our favorite places on a hot day!

James first time in the creek :)

Gave my guys end-of-summer haircuts.   They were getting a little too shaggy-dog for my taste.  Here's a little something fun we do mid-haircut...

I've been reading...

    Still Perelandra, C. S. Lewis
    Starting These Beautiful Bones: an Everyday Theology of the Body, Emily Stimpson

    Books with the kids... some great Usborne "look inside" books that I ordered from Molly!  Look how much they're into them, Molly!  Thank you! 

We had read about the Sydney Opera House in "Inside Famous Buildings" and about a week later the kids identified it
*without any prompting from me!* in a frame at Hobby Lobby!  Be still my beating homeschool mama's heart!!  

I've been listening to Loreena McKennit's haunting and beautiful version of The Highwayman quite frequently.  Like... probably daily.   I love that poem, and I think her musical setting is perfect...  


I have an illustrated picture book of the poem that I got a library book sale.  I wonder if the kids are old enough yet for such a poem??

My Dad and sister planned a birthday party for my mom's 60th!  The exact minute the party "started" it started to downpour.  My Dad leaped into action getting the "walls" up on the tent in their yard.  He was awesome!  I really wanted to share more pics, but I'm pretty uncomfortable putting up pics of people, even family, w/o checking with them first, and checking with them was the furthest thing from my mind during such a fabulous party...  So here's just a few.

Hero Dad!

James partied hard =)

And finally, lately... James has been up to some new tricks during his diaper changes.  (You're lucky he had one on when I snapped these shots ;) )

**  Feel like joining me in reflecting on the past month and sharing some of the moments that made you happy and the things you've been up to?  Link up your August list of Happiness. Lately.  I'd love to have you join me! **


  1. Plastic rollar skates are the best!!

    1. Agreed! When I was a kid we had the metal kind with the skate key to adjust them... now I realize how awesome that was, but at the time I was embarrassed that my parents gave us such "old fashioned" skates :)

  2. Love the action shots of clare, dad, and James!

  3. What fun!!! Looks like you live in one of our favorite parts of the country? Maybe? We LOVED blueberry picking when were in the eastern part of the US.

    I would love to link up...if I get time. You know how it is. ;)

  4. Oh, and that morning snack is going on my list! ;)

  5. Love all your photos that captured your August! The dessert, the family time, blueberries, and that creek! I would love to live by a creek like that! So fun!


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!