
Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'm Back... Conditionally

I'm back from a couple weeks' hiatus.  Yipee! 

Taking a few weeks off to think and breath and pray about what this tiny corner of web-space is for me was good, but I haven't come to any earth-shattering revelations about blogging or the direction of Ordinary Lovely.  As for the future of this space...  I will only be here when the rest of my life is properly ordered.  I have not given up blogging for Lent, but I have taken on a variety of small Lenten sacrifices toward an improved home culture.  This is my focus this Lent, and if I am not advancing in that effort I won't be allowing myself to spend time and energy here until it is back on track.  Whatever disorder there has been was not the result of blog reading or blog writing.  Not in the least.  But it was the result of my own disordered priorities compounded by legitimate fatigue and by Laziness wearing his favorite costume, imagined fatigue.   

Anyhoo... even in my absence I was thinking and plotting and writing, and I have a few things set to publish here soon.  In the near future you can expect to read a few reflections on Faith and family life, homeschool, the art we've been doing, crochet (of course!), and some "scrap-tastic" sewing projects (projects that only use stuff from my scrap pile!)   I've even been imagining a mini-makeover in terms of how things look here at the blog.  (Goal for March - get a photo of myself up here to welcome you every time you click on Ordinary Lovely!)  I'm not planning anything that will knock your socks off, but I've got a handful of fun and simple things to get me rolling again!  I'm looking forward to it!

And in case you were wondering, here's an update on the fireplace mantel and the living room.  Status: neat and tidy for a week now!   It's been so good for my soul - it's easier to "see" the needs of my family with the clutter gone and some order restored! 

See?  No leg!  Our new family motto is, "a place for every leg and every leg in its place."
Catchy, huh?!
Clutter be gone!  Even the kids are on board and need no other explanation than,
"we're keeping the house like this because it's Lent."
(Clare is not clutter.  She can stay.)
And I leave you with my favorite picture from this weekend:



  1. "imagined fatigue" - I usually have a severe case of that every day around 1 pm. :) Love that!


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!