
Monday, March 24, 2014

A Graco Swing Mobile Makeover

Right after he was born, James was gifted an awesome Graco swing (thanks again, Mom and Dad!)  He loves to be in it and he loves (er, loved) gazing at the flower mobile.  

But, they're flowers.  And they're pink.  And puffy.  And they all look exactly the same - not quite what I'd call a feast for his developing imagination and eyesight :)  It goes without saying that the mobile deficiencies are in no way connected to the gift givers!  It's Graco that needs to step it up a notch in the dangling-toys-creativity department.  James loves his swing so much, but deserves some variety to gaze upon. So I got it into my head that I would make a "better" (more masculine, perhaps?) mobile for his awesome swing. 

And then there's this... we kind of love hot air balloons in this family...

It became my special project to get James up to speed with one of the things he'll have to love now that he's in our family...

James delights in his new mobile almost as much as I do.  It's so bright and cheery.  He smiles and talks to the balloons when he's in the swing.  It's the sweetest thing! Check out exactly how sweet here:

Stop back here tomorrow - I'll post the pattern and a brief tutorial for this hot air balloon mobile and you can start planning your own mobile makeover.  Your baby will thank you!


  1. Oh my goodness, those are adorable. What a great idea!

  2. Wow- you are so creative- great idea! and he is too cute!

  3. Hi Theresa. Can you please email me? I need to ask you about your posts about using ipads for homeschool. Thank you!
    newland family farm at gmail (be sure to type the newland and family and farm all as one word)

    1. I'd be happy to chat about ipads! Would you kindly leave your name so I know who I'm speaking with and let me know more specifically what you were interested in hearing about. Thanks! -Theresa


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