
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How We Weathered the Storm (mostly photos)

This blizzard?  Not so bad.  The last two days saw minimal snow but lots of way below zero temperatures, insane winds, and ice on the inside of our window panes.  Last night the snow hit us and Russ had the snow blower out before he left for work this  morning.  Now, at mid-morning, you can hardly tell he did all that work.  But we're good. In fact, we're better than good.  We've really been making the most the cold and snow... 

Remember all that white chocolate I ruined trying to make New Year's Eve candy?  Well, I saved it, that I did, and yesterday we turned it into snow cocoa:  7 cups milk, 12 ounces white chocolate, 1 tsp. vanilla, and 1/2 tsp. nutmeg.  Served with a candy cane and whipped cream, of course!  

An even better treat than the cocoa was that Russ got out of work an hour early - we were all very excited...

cozy socks and crocheting by the fireside - pretty much a perfect evening!

This morning after school lessons we made snow ice cream!  Check out this post from last year for the "recipe."

And I finally let the boys go out today... once it hit 12 degrees... 

Ruth painted while the boys were out...

Clare caring for her dry skin chin!  (could she be another chapstick addict like her mom?)
The kids got crazy in the basement (I don't photograph that behavior!)  and the rest of the time we just sat around and played...

Today ended with a very popular dinner - sausage and spinach egg scrambler and baked oatmeal with blueberry topping.  It's always breakfast-for-dinner on special days around here!

AND... just in case you've fallen for the illusion that everything here is snow-shine and roses and all we do is love the snow and being cooped up inside together, I will briefly mention that storm stir-craziness also got us - I lost my temper, everyone was in time out at one point or another (or was writing things like, "it is wrong to hit my sister" 10 - or 20 - times.), and the kids may have watched a few episodes of Feeding Time on Netflix.  Also - this pile of stuff is ever-present in our living room, but was tastefully avoided in all photos of fabulous family fun  :)  

It's real life here, people, I'm just trying to post the best parts of it!  

Happy snow days!


  1. I was 19 degrees here this morning sooooo.... I THOUGHT I moved to Florida...Looks like you guys had a real nice day to me!!! Love ya!

  2. I loved all the photos! As long as we keep power, I actually enjoy snow storms, it is the muddy aftermath that I'm not crazy about.

  3. Haha! I loved all those pics (including that special last one!)! :)

  4. I'm with Janelle! Now when is that little one due to make their appearance??


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