
Friday, December 20, 2013

A Peg Doll Nativity (more craftiness show and tell)

I finished my first ever peg doll painting project!  I've always admired the sweet little figures on Etsy and at craft fairs, and in fact we have a wonderful set (of our family, and a little Mass set) painted by a friend of mine.  I wondered if I could do it and always wanted to try, and so I did!!  I think I might be hooked, and can't wait to start my next project.  

This project was to make two Nativity sets - one of the boys' room and one for the girls' room.  We used to have miniature Nativity sets in our rooms during Advent when I was little, so I thought this was a perfect way to carry on the tradition (and for me to get a craft fix - oh, I need those so badly every so often!)

I interrupt this show and tell to tell you loud and clear that none of these ideas were mine, and you would be remiss to credit me with anything other than the paint on the wood.  Since I've never done this before, I scoured Pinterest for ideas on what the figures could/should look like, and chose my designs from the sites linked to below.  They are the ones with the ideas.  I just bought a couple brushes and paints and copied away :)

Peg Doll Nativity, from Just What I Squeeze In (blog)

I also had some success on Etsy selling a few last minute Christmas gifts, so I was able to purchase this stable for the kids to use with the new figures I painted...  It's beautiful and perfect for the peg dolls and I definitely recommend the seller!

Nativity Stable by MamaMadeThem, on Etsy

With all that inspiration, here's what I came up with:

This is the little known portion of the story where the three kings arrived early and all they got to see was an upside down sheep in the manger.

I have no idea...  Conga Line?

...sleep in heavenly peace...


  1. Lovely work and lovely play with them too

  2. They really are beautiful!! And I'm hoping you change your mind about selling them...or will accept more eggs or other knits for trade :)

    1. I am very happy and willing to make things for the lovely people I know! (I just think I'm done with orders for "strangers") So we can strike a deal! (and don't worry - I WILL have that bag done for you before the baby is born... I think ;) )

  3. You are so artistic, Theresa. They turned out fabulous. Lisa

  4. I LOVE these! What a great job. :) I think I might have to try my hand at these, too. So sweet!

  5. They are beautiful!! Great job!

  6. I love these so much. The sweet expressions on the Holy Family. And the Wise Men have swirls. And MOUSTACHES! If you ever need anything sewn or embroidered let me know and we can work out a trade!

  7. Thank you, everyone! I had such a great time painting these figures, but since some of them are already missing, I think I probably appreciate them more than the kids so far!!

  8. If you would like to buy the original set please come on over to my etsy site and I can make you one to order.

    1. Oh! Thanks for letting all know that you'll take future orders! It's such a lovely set!

  9. These are so beautiful!! May I ask how you painted the braid on Mary? I am in a Nativity swap and want to add braids to my doll but cannot figure out how to even start! =) Thanks!!

    1. Thank you! You can do the braid very easily, but whether I can describe it easily.........;)
      start at the top of the braid and make a scalloped (bumpy) line going down, with all the "bumps" protruding to the left. As you go down, try to make the bumps smaller and narrower. Then go back up to the top and do the same thing, but with the "bumps" sticking out in the opposite direction. That was all I did. I did not put any "highlights" or definition in the braid piece itself, thought I suppose you could. I just added a "tail" of hair at the end under where the braid would have been tied off. I hope that makes sense, but if it doesn't, let me know and I can try to come up with a better explanation!
      Have fun with the nativity swap!!

  10. May I ask what kind of finish you put on these to make them so glossy? Also, what kind of paint did you use? Thanks!

    1. Hi Meagan! The varnish I use is Americana DuraClear Gloss Varnish. The paint I like best is Americana matte acrylic. If you look over on the right hand side bar here, there's a link to a post I wrote about tips on doll-painting, and I talk more about paint and varnish there. Hope you can check it out! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Hi, your dolls are so cute, just perfect! I must addmit I copied them shamelesly from you :) but may I ask what did you do with the hole in the backs of sheep beads? I put some paper sticker on it and painted over, but it doesn't look very smooth and I am not sure the sticker won't peel down...

    1. Hi Jan! I'm so glad you liked the dolls! Aren't they fun to do??
      The wood pieces that I used for the sheep didn't have holes in the back. They were spheres that had a flat bottom so that they'd stand. I think I got them either from Hobby Lobby or . Hope you can find something that can work for you!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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