
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Do I Dare Do a Daybook???

I never really got blog daybooks.  And I always said I was never going to do one.  But...............................
I haven't written anything here for over a week, partially because I am busy during the days and exhausted during the evenings, but also because I haven't come up with anything thoughtful, significant, earth-shattering, or funny to write about.  I don't even have anything remotely sarcastic that I've been mulling over and craftily piecing together in my mind.  And that's what I usually do - I fall back on Sarcasm when I'm too tired for Thought-provoking and Soul-searching.  

But it's been a week.  I can't let it go any longer and so I'm thinking the unthinkable.  A daybook.  Who started those anyway???  Is it a link up from the early 2000's or something???  Well, I have no one to link to, and no idea what I'm doing, but I'm going for it - a short and simple account of small and ordinary things, because there are no earth-moving epiphanies happening in this brain of mine right now... only subtle movements of life and love and daily life-ness... and that's ok with me :)  

I am thinking... about Lent.  In general I don't look forward to Lent, mostly due to my own childish dislike of fasting.  But this year I feel a little more hopeful about my own personal observance of the season, and I am very eager to get out our Stations of the Cross for family prayer.  Our children have really enjoyed that particular devotion the past two Lenten seasons, and their interest has kindled my husband's and my appreciation for the Stations as well.  I'm really looking forward to those added prayers again this Lent!

I am listening to... right now, it's quiet.  My husband is working late and the kiddos are fast asleep.  shhhh! But during the days I've been more intentional about playing a variety of music via Pandora.  So far I really like my Andy Williams/Ella Fitzgerald/Bobby Darrin station for play time,  my Relaxing Music station for the morning and evening, except sometimes I have to jump up to skip the Yanni songs that come on, and my Baroque Masters with a little Mozart mixed in station for meal time.  

I am reading... Mulierus Dignitatem: On the Dignity and Vocation of Women, by John Paul II (a re-read, but I confess I don't remember much about it from the first time around...).  Also re-reading Who Gets the Drumstick? by Helen Beardsley, because, well just because it's one of the most fun stories of love and large family life ever!  And, if I ever get on the elliptical to exercise, I will read Chesterton's Father Brown Mysteries and Grace for the Race  on my Kindle.  I am reading Prince Caspian out loud to the boys.    

I am creating...  practically nothing, except flashcards (phonics, math, Greek, you name it...  I've made a flashcard for it.)  I haven't done any sewing or crafting in weeks and it is not good for my well-being.  I have a few projects in mind so I'll be speaking sweetly to my husband about some sewing time for me this weekend.  I have a tavel bag to make for my mom before my parents' trip to Ireland (it's not a purse because my dad might occasionally carry it while overseas...)  and I'd like to make a quilt and matching pillow sham for Ruth's birthday coming up (she just got a new big girl bed!)  We'll see if any of this materializes.

In the kitchen... I feel like I can do no wrong (except my bread machine did give birth to a brick earlier this week and something tells me it was the result of human error)  The meals I've been defrosting, heating, and serving are of the variety that make my children say things like, "Oh, my darling mother!!  Thank you for making this amazing and delicious food.  I don't even like corn, but when it's in this casserole, I can't stop eating it."  That was pretty much verbatim.  Compliments like that send me to a happy place!  

I am thankful... for my husband who goes to work day in and day out to take care of us.  I'm especially thankful that he works with integrity, honesty, and respect for individuals, which I can imagine is sometimes difficult to do in sales-related positions.

I am looking forward to... chatting with my husband when he gets home, because this morning he said, "There's something I want to talk about - a family vacation."  WHAT???  Immediately all at once I thought yes!  never!  impossible!  hooray!  Since my initial reaction, I've calmed down and I'm interested to hear his thoughts.  (My thoughts are Chincoteague.)  

I am thinking...  that a daybook is harder than I first thought.  I don't know if I'll be doing this again.  But for now, this will do.  Plus, Russ just walked in the door!  Perfect timing.  

1 comment:

  1. gave in to the power of the daybook! "Because I haven't come up with anything thoughtful, significant, earth-shattering, or funny to write about"... exactly. I don't know where it came from either but it's good for those days (weeks?) when you can barely piece a sentence together but still want to write. And I have come to like reading others'. I feel like it's getting a peek into having a normal small talk conversation would be.

    And yay for vacations!!!


Like the old song says, "comments are a girl's best friend." Or something like that... So... leave a comment! I love chatting here! Pretend you're on my back porch, kick the broken plastic sandbox toys aside, sip your iced coffee, or beer, or (__fill in the blank with your beverage of choice__) and let's talk about all the things, because back-porch blogging is what I do!