
Friday, January 11, 2013

12 for 2012

This is my first time linking up to anything.  Am I doing it right?  Is it working?  Hello?  Is this thing on?  

The Year 2012 in 12 Photographs

Ok, I clearly have taken a lot of liberties with the 12 for 2012 idea.  I tried.  I tried so hard to pick just one picture for each month.  Practically everyone else over at Dwija's did it, how come I can't????  Oh right, because I have an indecision problem that runs that gamut from "chocolate or vanilla?" to "regular or LED Christmas lights?" to "which of thousands of names will we bestow upon our child which will  not be a burden to him or her for years to come?"  So, seriously??  Choosing just one picture per month - well nigh impossible for a gal like me.  And it is darn hard to narrow it down when your kids are so cute and life is (mostly) great almost every day of the month... (haha - read here about why I didn't post this earlier...)  It also  didn't help that in January we got a new camera that was... well, better than our old camera, and I experimented a lot.  So I have tons. of. pics.  Photo a month?  Nah, I caved and pretty much did a collage-a-month.  Without further adoo blathering...    



Ahh!  Look what happened in March!  Evened things out - two boys, two girls.

April... can you guess which one was the official family Easter photo???



July... I could have put up a hundred photos of the hot air balloon festival which was the HIGHLIGHT of our year, oh yeah - except for the new baby!  It was all I could do to just pick one.  
Even now, my heart is beating faster thinking about the July II collage 
I could make... hot. air. balloons. galore.  "Don't."  Ok. I won't.



October... yeah, I know All Saint's Day is technically in November, 
but this dress up party was in October, so this is legit.
(St. Francis, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Dominic, St. Zita.)



aaaaaaaand... if you're still really looking at this... here's a bonus... mwhahaha!

Loved you, 2012!  I can only imagine 2013 will be as lovely!  God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Eeeek! This post is so good. And fun. And funny. And great. I won't even minus any points for being a cheater cheater pumpkin eater. Love :)


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